• Focused on building core strength, increasing spinal and hip mobility and improving posture. We move through exercises with our breath focusing on form and control. The class starts with a short meditation and activation followed by a flow through a variety of exercises and a cool down at the end of class. Unlike the vinyasa yoga classes, we will spend a longer time flowing in and out of a movement to get the most impact. The movements can range from something simple such as lifting up one leg with every inhale to very challenging such as control balance (one of Pilates originals). The tone of the class is calm like a yoga class to allow you to focus on your breath. We may use blocks or small weights to increase the difficulty of exercises.

  • The yoga classes are designed to build strength, flexibility, and focus through fluid movement synchronized with breath. Rooted in the Ashtanga tradition, we will guide you through familiar flows that refine your practice and gradually build confidence. Occasionally, we will explore more creative sequences keeping your body and mind engaged. Each class includes a brief meditation - either to center you before practice or to help you settle afterward — while focused breathwork cultivates a moving meditation that supports both physical and mental clarity. The latter supported by research showing multiple benefits: improved brain health, reduced depression and stress. Whether you are an experienced yogi or a newcomer, this class provides a thoughtful, evidence-based way to cultivate strength, calm, and resilience both on and off the mat.

Lucy + Margherita

A group of instructors offering quality classes.


and her golden retriever, Reggie, teach mat pilates and vinyasa classes in Copenhagen. Back in the US she played a high level of football (soccer) and found that the strength training, recovery and injury prevention exercises translated very well into her pilates practice. While exercises are great for building strength, she loves the presence of mind, the flow, that is achieved with meditation and following a sequence. Reggie loves a good nap and the people.


Bio coming soon! Teaching vinyasa, hatha and yin yoga classes.


  • Århusgade 103, 2100 København

    Between Østerbro and Nordhavn and close to many cafes and bakeries including Juno the Bakery. The location has changing rooms and showers. There are no blocks or weights, but you are welcome to bring your own. Hopefully we will be able to provide props in the future.

    To get here you can take the M4 or S-train to Nordhavn. We rent the dance room, after you enter take a left and go all the way to the end of the room, there should be a door on your left with a display screen next to it that shows the activities happening in the room that day.

  • Fensmarkgade 1, 2200 København N, Denmark

    This adorable studio is in Nørrebro, very close to KU North Campus as well as Faelledparken. The studio has changing rooms and showers. They offer mats and blocks that you can use instead of bringing your own.

    The door remains locked so when you arrive then ring the doorbell for your instructor to let you in.

  • Sandkaj 27, 2150 Nordhavn, Denmark

    On warmer days and in the summer months we will meet some mornings at the docks in Nordhavn. Either by the popular swimming spot, Sandkaj Badezone, or some other docks away from the crowds.

Get in touch

Anser Studios CVR 45272966